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Boku Customer Support
Help Completing Transaction
Help Completing Transaction
How to Use Service
What do I need to do to complete a payment?
Why am I redirected my mobile / internet provider when I try to make a purchase with Boku?
What happens if I reply "STOP" from my phone?
Charge Not Completed
Message received: "Your number was blocked"
Message received: "You have paid [X]. You still have [X] to pay."
I selected the wrong Mobile Network Operator
Message Errors
I tried to pay, but I am not receiving a text and/or my payment will not complete
My keyword reply to Boku fails and/or I receive an error message
Limit Reached
Message received: "Your mobile network unfortunately has a limit per day / month."
Message received: "Whoa, you've requested a lot of payments!"
Purchase Failed
I am having trouble making a purchase because I recently changed mobile providers
Message received: "Sorry, we can't process your payment."
Message received: "Sorry, your payment failed. No charges were made."
My transaction failed due to 'insufficient funds,' but I don’t have a prepaid phone
Resume Transaction
I left the payment panel before I entered my PIN number
I’ve attempted to make a payment numerous times, and I keep seeing a page that asks if I want to resume?
I want to start a new transaction but I see a message “Complete In Progress Transaction”
How can I resume my transaction?
PIN Issues
I deleted the PIN for my purchase by mistake
I’ve sent multiple reply messages but still received no PIN code
I received my PIN number but I cannot enter the PIN because the page is frozen at step 2.
Message received: "Sorry, you entered too many invalid codes"